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Meet Lindsey Simmons

Hey! I'm a 30 year old mom of 3 (ages 4, 3, and 1)

We are in year 3 of homesteading and currently have 30 chickens in our backyard.


In 2012 my roommate introduced me to essential oils and the world of natural wellness was opened for me. I learned everything I could and have been studying various modalities of health and wellness ever since.


In 2021 we got our first chickens and I learned how to make homemade vanilla. I realized how much I loved this simple lifestyle. I taught myself how to can and preserve food (something I was scared of previously.) 


We have been able to do so much without owning acres. Your hands can heal your home and I want to show you how.


I’m Lindsey, a 30-year-old mom navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood with three kiddos under the age of 4. Nestled in the serene beauty of Vernal, Utah, I share my life with my amazing first responder husband of almost 8 years. Together, we've cultivated a backyard homestead, where we find joy in the simple pleasures of nature.


When I’m not chasing after little ones or tending to our homestead,  you can find me whipping up cookies and making homemade vanilla that fills our home with warmth and sweetness.


Any chance I get we are outside with our garden and chickens or out camping and near or in water - paddle boarding, fishing, or swimming.


For over a decade, I've been immersed in the world of essential oils and other wellness practices. It’s a journey that has enriched my life in countless ways, and I’m excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you. Let’s connect and embark on this journey of wellness together!

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©2022 by Lindsey Simmons LLC

Healing Happens at Home xo Lindsey

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