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3 Things to Quickly Improve your Wellness

Warning: These are SIMPLE, but some are NOT easy...

  1. Citrus in the morning

  2. Biggest meals in the morning and afternoon

  3. Stop eating at night (6pm is ideal)

Common practices in America don’t align with those 3 things.

Sugar filled empty breakfasts or skipping it all together,

Largest meal at night followed by desserts… I’ll admit I looove french toast and chocolate before bed. But let that be special, not daily.

Here's why you those three things will quickly improve your wellness:

1. Drinking lemon water in the morning supports your night’s detox cycle and acts as a gentle cleanse. And if lemon isn’t your thing, try lime (my favorite) or grapefruit

2. Eat when the sun is the highest/hottest which corresponds to when your digestive fire is the hottest and most active.

According to The Body Clock, the digestive system has peak performance between 7-9am and is “asleep” between 7-9pm

Eat the most in the morning and midday so that you can

3. Stop eating at 6pm to allow time to digest before that system turns off. Allow your digestive system to rest so the energy that would be used breaking down your big dinner can instead go to healing your body and resetting during the night 🤯

It’s taken me 6 years to fully commit to these 3 simple things. Breaking habits, especially surrounded by generational upbringing and societal norms is tricky!

But every time I have done them throughout that time I have FELT and SEEN the benefits.

Your body wants to feel good!

Your body is working for you to feel good!

The more you can support its’ needs and understand how it *actually works, the better you’ll feel. Will you try it?? Let me know in the comments 🦋

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