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5 Tips to Use Essential Oils

New to essential oils?

Don’t know where to start?

Bought some oils, but don’t know what to do now?

Here are my 5 biggest tips for anyone starting to use essential oils.

(I’m assuming you already have oils at this point, because obviously that’s the real step 1. If you need to grab some, click here to browse our bundles and then come back here!)

Do a quick self scan

How are you feeling? What is your body experiencing? What are the things you would love for your oils to improve or help? Make sure you take note of your starting point and remember to check in with yourself as you start to use your oils. Awareness is such an important step!

Open ALL your bottles

Your oils won’t do you any good if they aren’t open. I have talked with so many people who have had oils for years, but don’t use them and this is one of the reasons why.

Oils are meant to be used! You aren’t buying them to look pretty on a shelf (although they do!)

You bought them for the wellness benefits, so let’s open them up and start smelling them!

Smell them and note which are your favorites, and any you don’t like as much too

Aromas have a big impact on us quickly. Pay attention to your body’s reactions, how you feel, and what you are drawn to.

This will help you learn what your body will respond best to so that over time you can become intuitive and natural reaching for your oils.

Keep them where you can see them!

I can’t stress this one enough! Maybe it should be step 1…

One of the top reasons I hear when people don’t use their oils is because they forget about them.

I know it’s fun to get cute boxes to store them in, or tuck them in your medicine cabinet or a drawer. BUT until you are using them regularly it’s too easy to forget to get them back out.

Opt for an open shelf in an easily visible and accessible place, or in the areas you’ll use them.

For example: Oils for sleep? Keep them on your night stand. Oils for skin? Keep them in your bathroom with your moisturizers or cleansers. Oils you love to diffuser? Keep them close to your diffuser so it’s one less step. (Another tip is to keep a container of water close by too!)

You’re more likely to use them if you can see them! So show them off!

Get connected to our community

We learn so much together from hearing each other’s tips and experiences. I’ve been using oils for a decade now and still learn new things! It is so much fun!

We have an at-your-own-pace customer portal where everything is explain everything really simply from how to order, how to save the most money, and education about the oils and products. You can ask questions in our group and get suggestions of what’s working for others. There is a growing library of ebooks and workshops you can use anytime. And we have a lot of fun with raffles and spoiling our customers too.

You don’t have to figure it out alone - so get connected!


Are you my customer and need access to our community app? Message me on Instagram and I'll get you set up

Brand new or thinking about it? Browse our starter bundles or create your own. Even starting with one bottle of oil can make a big impact. Let’s do this together!

You can also check out other blog posts for more tips, helpful information, and hearing others’ stories!


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