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Detox + Lymphatic Drainage

Have you heard of lymphatic drainage yet? It's become quite the hype and for GOOD REASON!

I saw results in 2 weeks and then recently noticed a new level of results 6 months after implementing this practice.

2 week change with intentional lymphatic drainage - no other changes were made! Swollen face to slim and less inflammation.
2 week change with intentional lymphatic drainage - no other changes were made!

I couldn't believe that something so simple was making such a huge impact. I started to dive into the details of what the lymphatic system is and how it even works. I've studied about wellness for over a decade and had somehow never put any emphasis here.

Don't skip on this - it will change your wellness!

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is part of our body’s detoxing process. Toxins are removed through the bloodstream. “But Lindsey, I live a low-tox lifestyle.” 

Great! You still have toxins in your body. Toxins can come from foods we consume and products we use, but they also come from our body’s natural processes. Every single cell in your body produces waste that needs to be removed from the body. Your lymphatic system helps process all of this regardless of where it is from.

Everyone needs lymphatic drainage for optimal wellness. 

Toxins are removed from your tissues and absorbed into lymph nodes - little pockets throughout your body that filter and break down the lymphatic fluid (lymph). Lymph nodes are full of white blood cells that fight infection and foreign substances. From there it drains into the bloodstream to be further filtered through other systems and eliminated from the body.

When lymph becomes stagnant in the lymph nodes or stored in those areas, dis-ease can occur. One of my mentors said:

"A river that runs stays clean." -Christina Kreitel

When lymph is not properly draining, our body becomes clogged and swampy instead of flowing clear.

You can see the importance of living a low-tox life when you  understand what your body is doing. If it is already working hard to remove toxins that naturally occur in the body, imagine how much harder it has to work when it is being overloaded with external toxins from fragrances, harsh chemicals, heavy metals, and more.

When we change our product and food choices we can lighten the load our body has to process so over time there is less being stored and our body can more efficiently process what it needs to every day.

So before you even start intentionally opening your drainage pathways and assisting lymphatic drainage, take some time to consider your habits. What foods are you eating? Is it highly processed? High in sugar? Does it have artificial dyes? Do you regularly consume alcohol? Are you still eating things you are allergic to because you love them and will just take a pill or deal with the symptoms? Are you taking medication often?

What about products? Are you using things with artificial fragrance? (perfumes, lotions, hair products, laundry detergent and softeners, plugins or scented candles, etc.) Have you looked to see if the ingredients include things like PFAs or parabens?

Don’t Panic! You don’t have to change everything all at once! Small changes over time are going to be much better for you and your wallet than trying to do it all at once and becoming frustrated.

But this is WHY so many, myself included, talk about low-tox living. It’s not just a hype thing. It has real effect on the body that can make quick shifts to your wellness. (remember my photos above?) For 25% off a huge range of low-tox products I swear by, click here.

Tell me how to help lymphatic drainage!

Okay, I hear you! The first step is opening your drainage pathways.

There are bundles of lymph nodes throughout your body that you are going to start pumping every day. It’s so simple, but it’s important to know the right location, pressure, and order for maximum effect.

Always start and end with the termini

The main drainage point is behind your collarbone where your lymphatic system and cardiovascular system meet. This is called the termini

Draw an imaginary line from your earlobe down to your collarbone in the soft area right behind or above the collarbone.

Using your middle and ring fingers, press inward with light pressure in a pumping motion - one pump per second for 10-50 pumps. (For visual help, watch my detox + drain workshop)

You'll then do the same motion in other areas that have clusters of lymph nodes. The main areas I try to do daily are:

  • behind ears in a “V” + behind and slightly below the jaw bone

  • in the indent or pit of the underarm moving upward toward the collar bone (termini)

  • a “V” just above the crease of your inner thighs. Pump along the “V” in an upward motion.

  • just above the bend in the knee in the center

I've been opening these drainage pathways regularly in the morning, before I workout and any time I remember throughout the day for about 6 months now. There have been days I completely forget, so don't think you have to be perfect at this to see results!

One of the big indicators of stagnant lymph is a puffy armpit. There should be an indentation - an actual pit in your underarm. I definitely have puff, but I am starting to see the pit reappear and it's been really exciting to know that this technique is making a difference!

6 months - all puff to some pit starting to show in my armpits from lymphatic drainage
6 months - all puff to some pit starting to show

Phew that feels vulnerable to post! Besides opening the drainage pathways, as mentioned above, things like walking, gua sha, and dry brushing are also incredibly helpful. And if you're feeling silly (and a little brave) shake and dance it out! Seriously, shaking is so helpful for lymphatic drainage, but you may feel really stupid the first several times you do it. Throw on a song, close your eyes or hide in a bathroom and go for it. Now it's so fun for me and my kids love it too! Benefits for everyone!

For more and helpful visuals, check out the Detox + Drain workshop I did in October '23 and you'll get an ebook that goes along with the recording.

And follow @wildflora.homestead on Instagram for more helpful wellness information

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