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How I Became a Morning Person

5 Tips to Love your Morning

Are you the type of person who jumps out of bed feeling alive, or the type who wants to cover the head with blankets and hibernate longer?

I am definitely the person who is up and ready to go (especially if I’ve had solid sleep.) But even with my love of mornings, sometimes I too want to crawl back in bed. So I wanted to share some of the things that make my mornings my sacred time and why these practices make it easier to jump out of bed with excitement!

  1. Watching the sunrise

If you are my friend on Instagram you have seen me post myself soaking in the morning golden rays often. It is fuel to the soul. Hopefully it’s common knowledge that our bodies need sun - you can google all the studies.

In my opinion there is something special about the fresh energy of the sun peaking over the mountains for the first time each day. It feels full of life force, hope, and excitement.

So my number 1 tip is to start watching the sunrise. Make a routine of it. Sit outside if it’s nice, or in a spot on the couch you can watch. Sip your morning drink, journal, read, pray, whatever you want! I promise when the sun hits your face, even your grumpy mornings will take a positive turn.

  1. Wake up to a clean kitchen

Okay, I know this one takes prep the night before, but it’s worth it! Waking up to clear counters and an empty sink is something magical. You’ll be more likely to make a yummy breakfast because you don’t have to clean first. And I bet your creativity will grow with the open space early in your day.

  1. Start your diffuser

A great way to boost the morning energy is with essential oils. My favorites are citrus and mint. They are both energizing, uplifting, and stimulating. Perfect to get your senses to wake up!

Some simple blends are lemon and peppermint, wild orange and rosemary, grapefruit and spearmint. PRO TIP: Once you find a blend you love, take a 30ml dropper bottle and pre-blend your oils to simplify your morning. Dropper bottles make diffusing so simple!

For my morning kit, click here

  1. Take time for reflection and intention setting

Visualization, meditation, yoga, prayer, breathwork. There are so many practices we can do here. YouTube is a great place if you want something guided.

My new favorite thing in the mornings is breathwork. I was introduced to Stevie Wright and The Breath Channel. I highly recommend you try it. Her channel is donation based so you pay what you can, even if it’s free.

  1. Do something you love!

If your mornings are filled with chores or things you don’t enjoy from the start, of course you aren’t going to be a morning person! Find a way to incorporate at least one thing into your morning that makes you excited to get up.

Spending time outside, reading a book, watching a show, cooking an amazing breakfast, exercise, working on a craft.. Whatever you want!

Now you have my top 5 tips for how I became a morning person. I believe anyone can do it regardless if you’re waking up at 5am, 7am, or 9am. Your morning starts when you decide to start it, so make it intentional and amazing!

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